March 6, 2010

Not up to too much

I am writing to say we are still alive. We have not been up to very much so that is why we have not posted anything for awhile. Elsie and I have been having lots of fun having play dates and getting to know more people out here. Will has been working hard at the resort and increasing his eBay sales on the side. I will have to look though my current photos to try to post some of Elsie soon. She is growing bigger and learning more and more. She knows most of her letters and is not working on her numbers. We try to have lessons on these things during the week and are liking it a lot. We still go to play group each week and might start going to a second play group soon. That is all for now. We hope all of you are doing well.

1 comment:

Cherisa said...

Hey! You're still alive out there! I thought maybe you'd gotten stuck on a hillside somewhere during a ski trip... : )

You coming to visit anytime soon? We'd love to see you if summer brings you to our shores!