September 15, 2009

The Caledonia County Fair

The Caledonia County Fair was one of the funnest things I did as a kid. At the end of each summer right before school started the fair would come into town. A few years we even put fruits and vegetables in to be judged. We would go on family day and get to ride all the rides as much as we wanted. I just happened to be in Vermont when the fair came to town so how could I resist going?? Elsie loved all the kiddie rides and it was a lot of fun going on some of them with her. She also got to participate in the ice cream eating contest. Which she did a great job at. She had no hope in trying to win but she did a good job keeping her hands behind her back and eating it with her mouth only. The cool thing about this was the news crew that were filming it for the local news were at her table. So since she is so cute she got a couple of closeups of her face on the evening news!!! Now she is a star just like her mommy (check out the chorus in "In the Bedroom").