January 11, 2008


Yup that is right mobility is the newest thing in the Shumway home. Elsie started by pushing herself backwards. Every once in a while I would come into the living room to find her legs disappearing under the couch! I would say this and rolling were her sole means of mobility for about a month. But now she has mastered the next step. No she can not crawl yet but she is getting very close to it. She pulls with her arms and pushes with her legs to move forward, I think it is called the commando crawl. So now anything on the floor is fair game!!!

In this picture she is pushing herself up onto her knees where she can stay for a bit and then collapse back to the tummy. It is amazing how fast she can pick up a new trick.

1 comment:

Lehilina Marlow said...

Oh-oh! Watch out for Elsie!!! ;)