October 23, 2013

Tooth number 5

On September 10th Elsie lost her fifth tooth and the first of her front teeth! It was sort of a sad day for me because I know when the big tooth grows in she will look like a big kid!! But she is getting to be a big kid so why stop it I guess. The funny thing is the tooth still has not come in yet and it is October 23rd. So I get a little longer with my little girl.

The last photo is of Elsie doing homework. She does not get that much though. One math page a week and spelling words on Monday for a Thursday test. Also we are supposed to have her read to us for 20 minutes a day. It does not sound like a lot but it does take time! But she is really doing well. She can do her math by herself for the most part and she has been doing really well on her spelling tests. They do Math in Spanish class and so some times dad has to help with the homework too. 

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