November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a great Halloween this year. The fact that it was a Saturday helped a lot. Will took Elsie to see grandma and grandpa Shumway and then he and grandpa went golfing. At home I was cooking up a storm. I started with my very first batch of Apple Butter. It was also my first time trying to make any kind of jam or jelly. I am proud to say that the end result was perfect!!! All the jars sealed and the apple butter set up and tastes great!!! After that was done I was feeling adventurous so I made a cranberry apple pie. It also turned out great. I also started working on boiling down more apples (making apple sauce) for a second batch of apple butter. It did not end there because we were having two of Will's siblings and a close friend over for some food and games and so I made some pizza. Meanwhile Will had gotten home with Elsie and they started to carve pumpkins. Will did a great job with both of the pumpkins. Elsie on the other hand did not want to help that much. She put her hand in one once and then played with the tops. But we still got some cute pictures. As you can imagine by the end of the night the kitchen was a mess!!! In the middle of all of this fun before it got too dark Elsie and I went to 3 houses to go trick or treating. I had not prepared her for it so I had not taught her to say trick or treat but no one cared.

It was a very busy but great day!!


Cherisa said...

Elsie looks adorable! Looks like fun for everyone! We were kind of lame this year and barely got dressed up. Maybe next year we'll get around to carving pumpkins...

Daisie said...

She looks so cute! Wow...I am impressed with you and all your baking!! Excited to see you guys!!

Nathan said...

That pumpkin is the spitting image of Willie!!!