February 14, 2009

Trying to be like daddy

Elsie is trying to be like daddy. To start she follows him around a lot which is not surprising. She tries to put on his cuff links, his pants and would try his shirts on if she knew how. She also likes to drink from his big cup and eat ice with him (yes he gives her small pieces which she proceeds to chew just like daddy). I am sure she will only be increasing her daddy like activities as time goes on.

Here she is trying on the pants.
And here she is drinking for daddy's big cup.

1 comment:

Cherisa said...

The mimicking of behavior is pretty cute. Though Aiden has just started telling us to "Come on! Hurry!" with a great deal of urgency in his voice. Usually the "hurry" is for us to watch him play with his trains but I can only imagine what he things of our hurrying. : )

Cute shots of Little Will!