October 31, 2008

Fun in the back yard

I decided to rake some leaves while we were playing in the back yard the other day. First my very helpful daughter wanted to sit in the pile and spread it around her. Then she went up on the porch to let me work in peace. It took only a few minutes before I realized that she was way to quiet. And sure enough I looked over and she had started digging in a potted plant and thought it would be good to eat some of the dirt!!

Later we went down to our pathetic garden and did a little harvesting. Elsie bent down on her own and picked a beautifully green tomato!! How cute!

1 comment:

Cherisa said...

Even with the chore of raking leaves, I'm jealous of your home ownership stauts. We're hoping next spring we'll be able to get into a real house!

Great shots of your munchkin! Any chance you're coming this way at Christmas???