February 3, 2008

From crawling to pulling up. What's next?

I can't believe it but Elsie has been crawling for 3 weeks now. She started out slow but now can stay up on all fours for as long as she wants. If this was not enough fun for the family she has also started pulling up on things. Here she is pulling up on the tub.


Cherisa said...

Well, it's official! Your home will soon become empty from the floor to about three feet up the wall (and you'll then start moving things even higher).

How exciting! You'll have to come back to Boston for a visit, soon, so we can all see the action in person!

Lehilina Marlow said...

Awesome progress, Elsie!!! Great job!!! You're growing so fast!!!

Daisie said...

Go Elsie Go!! How fun! I have only been gone a few weeks and look how much she's changed! Crazy!! And so exciting! We got that same toy too! Sadie can totally cruise with it! I'm sure Elsie will be doing it soon! Samon the other hand wants nothing to do with it! (For Now) Miss ya!!

O'Babies said...

Just wait until she is pulling herself up IN the tub...yikes!

Delise said...

She is growing so quickly and she's so darn cute! Looks like you had a great time welcoming Tyler back from his mission/going to Yellowstone! Fun pictures.