December 12, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Da Rules:
List 6 facts/habits about yourself on your blog. At the end of your post, tag 6 friends. Visit your 6 friends blogs and leave a comment informing them they have been tagged - let them know they can read your blog for the rules.
1. I grew up in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road. I went to a three room school house which included grades K-8 and no it was not crammed!
2. I lived in Boston for 7 years where I went to art school, met my husband and danced with Latino men.
3. My favorite movie is "Sweet Home Alabama" mostly because I have a secret thing of hicks! I love the character Jake, the soon to be x husband. Don't worry Will I would not trade my city boy for ten hicks, you are still number 1.
4. The best thing about being a mom is the smiles and giggles you get for doing nothing more then turning your head.
5. The worst thing about being a mom is cutting the babies fingernails. You can't do it while they are awake because they move too much. If you do it when they are asleep you risk waking them up. So you have to do it when they are some place in the middle...this way they will be still enough so you cut their nails and not their fingers and if they wake up you will not be too disappointed.
6. This is the first real content to this blog. If you haven't noticed yet our blog is more for posting cute pictures of our daughter and not about writing anything at all. What we do write could be mildly interesting to close friends and family while being incredibly boring to most other folks!
Well that about does it I hope you are not all bored out of your minds!! I tag Mandy, Lehilina, Kharin, Dani, Cherisa, and Sandy.


Lehilina Marlow said...

I've written my tag-blog!

Cherisa said...

Gotta love the blogging tagging!

I'm totally with you on Sweet Home Alabama. I've dated my share of "hicks" so that movie is a little like going home for me. =)