August 27, 2007

Blessing Dress

I have forgotten to show off the beautiful blessing dress that Elsie's Grandma Flora Shumway made for her. The event happened about a month ago on August 5th (see more below). Isn't she so cute in it!


The Florida Andrews said...

Oh my goodness! She is so cute I put her as the wallpaper on our computer!!!! I love her! And that blessing dress is just gorgeous! She looks like a little angel in it!
love, Kharin

Cherisa said...

Thank heavens for Grandmas, huh? They're great for all sorts of things. The dress is really cute and I like the addition of the little yellow ribbon. I'll have to "order" one if our next baby is a girl! =)

Amber said...

That dress is adorable-it is wierd that I don't get to see her in person-but I am grateful for all the pictures :-)